Well Dying


Somang Society conducts educational seminars on “well-being, well-aging, and well-dying.” Death preparation education consists of determining one’s desire for treatment, dementia prevention for successful aging, information about the hospice system, organ and body donation, smoother funeral procedures, and assistance with making decisions to relieve burden on families after the death.
For those who are unable to attend our regular seminars, Somang Society additionally makes visits to churches, nursing homes, and senior communities. Our death preparation seminars provide information about “beautiful life, beautiful departure.”

If you would like to request a seminar or if you have any inquiries, please contact the Somang Society office.  Our contact information is at the bottom ; of this page.

From Avoiding Death to Welcoming Death

As we live, we actively prepare for many things such as marriage and childbirth, but the end of our lives is often not on our minds. Furthermore, when our deaths occur, our families are often overwhelmed by the decisions that follow.

Death is often perceived as a dark and gloomy process and is intentionally ignored. Somang Society, however, courageously addresses death. We hope to educate people about death in order for all of us to live more cherished and beautiful lives.

Seminars, Forums & Conferences

Somang Society visits various organizations and provides education on subjects related to end of life preparation such as Advanced Healthcare Directives, Hospice Care, Willed Body Program and Emergency Contact Card.


Grief Support Group

To provide comfort, hope and empathy, we meet with grieving family members in our Grief Support Group to share their pain and sorrow.

Body Donation

In 2018, the number of Koreans in Southern California participating in body donations was close to none. The reason for the low number of registrations was the lack of awareness of the importance of body donations. By partnering with UCI Willed Body Program, we educate and inform the Korean community on the importance of body donations for current and next generations. Every year more than 50% of donation registrations are committed by Koreans.

Please contact the Somang Society office to find out how you can give.  Our contact information is at the bottom ; of this page.


Advance Healthcare Directive

Somang Advance Healthcare Directives is a legal document that provides information on healthcare decisions, organ donation, and funeral options to prevent unnecessary confusion to family members during emergency situations where the patient is unable to make decisions due to illness or incapacity.

Advanced Directive form can be downloaded by clicking the “Download Advance Directive Form” button below.  Fill out the form and share with your loved ones to let others know your wishes if you are unable to do so.  The form is in Korean.

Upcoming programs will be listed on the Events section of the home page.

To inquire about any of the programs above, contact the Somang Society office.  Our contact information is at the bottom ; of this page.